Why Are You on the Program​?

Why Are You on the Program​?

Before you start anything, you should ask yourself why you are doing it. The fact is, if you don’t have strong motivation, it will be extremely difficult for you to reach your goals. Whether you have one motivator or several, keeping your motivation behind wanting to be in the program in the first place will help you stick with it now and after the program.

Here are some common reasons that people choose to lose weight that you can also find motivating. Better Health

There are countless health conditions that are caused by or worsened by being overweight, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and arthritis. In fact, there are a number of chronic conditions that will disappear as you lose weight which will leave you feeling overall healthier. Losing weight can even save you money on medical bills when you need to visit the doctor less often.

One of the biggest benefits of being healthier overall is that you will be around for longer for your loved ones. People who are a healthy body weight and living healthier lives statistically live longer than those who are overweight and making poor choices, so if you want to be able to grow old with your spouse or hold your grandchildren, then it’s time to make some changes.

Set an Example for Loved Ones

By starting on your own weight loss journey, you can set an example to those around you. This is particularly true if your children have started down a similar path as you as far as their weight is concerned. Your kids will follow your example and you can get them off to an early start when it comes to making wise choices and could prevent them from facing years of being overweight adults.

Look Great and Feel Good About Yourself

Looking great alone isn’t often a great motivator for losing weight, but if you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see, this can lead to depression. A recent study found that nearly 25% of people who are obese are also depressed compared to just 15% of people of a normal weight. This indicates that by losing weight and feeling good about the way you look, you can feel better overall and can avoid those feelings of depression, worry, and self-doubt.

Do What You Want

If you’re like many overweight people, you know that your weight is holding you back from enjoying a number of things that you want to do. Simple things like being able to get on a roller coaster or comfortably sit on a plane are harder to do when you’re overweight. And if you have joint pain or trouble breathing from being overweight, even taking your child to the park can be too much.

By losing the weight that you want, the world becomes your oyster. You can hop on any plane and go visit the places you always wanted to visit. You can go out and enjoy taking a hike with friends or family members. Think of all the things that you’re being kept from doing because you’re overweight and use that desire to drive you to reach your goals.