I Do Muay Thai

“Become like water my friend” – Bruce Lee

5 minutes

Skipping (jump rope):

  • 30 seconds at a nice steady pace
  • 30 seconds with high knees (bring your legs up to your chest as high as possible)

Do this for 12 sets with no rest between sets.

Bag work:
Note: if you don’t have access to a heavy bag do air kicks.

Round 1:

  • 100 roundhouse kicks with your right leg.
  • Time to complete this is 5 minutes.
  • Do 15 burpee jumps

Rest 1 minute

Round 2:

  • 100 roundhouse kicks with your left leg.
  • Time to complete this is 5 minutes.
  • Do 15 Burpee jumps

Rest 1 minute

Round 3:

  • 1 roundhouse kick off your right leg.
  • Change leg.
  • 1 roundhouse kick off your left leg.
  • Do this for 3 minutes non-stop
  • Do 15 burpee jumps

Rest 1 minute

  • Run for 3 miles on road or treadmill

Warm down
5 minutes