Get Motivated to Workout

Get Motivated to Workout

Getting motivated to workout will not only ensure that you do it more often, but it will also make working out a much more enjoyable activity when it’s something that you actually want to do. In this article, we’re going to go ever a few ways that you can get yourself motivated to work out every day to improve your health and maintain your weight.

Reward System

As juvenile as a reward system sounds, it’s actually a great way to stay motivated to work out. Set yourself a goal such as working out for at least 20 minutes per day every day for a week. Then, once you reach that goal, give yourself the reward you set up in advance. But make sure your reward is something other than food, such as a new item of clothing or going somewhere you enjoy.


One of the ways you can self-motivate is by spending just a few minutes after every workout writing down how great you feel about having successfully worked out and moved forward in your goals. Then, when you’re having a day in which you don’t feel particularly motivated, take a minute to read through your journal entries to be reminded of how good it feels to get up and exercise.

Remember Where You Started

Think back to the moment that you decided to do something about your weight. You might even keep a picture of yourself from that time as a reminder that you don’t want to go back to that. Remember how it felt to not like the way you looked in the mirror or how your clothes looked on you. Remind yourself of the health problems that came with your extra weight and promise yourself to keep going.

Pay for Fitness

One of the best ways to motivate yourself is to put a price tag on it. When you have invested money into something, you are significantly more likely to use it and follow through with it. One way of doing this is by paying in advance for a fitness class. Another option is to buy workout equipment and clothing. By buying equipment and clothing that you then keep where you can see it, you’re more likely to use it.

Set Reminders

Whether you use your phone or computer, set up some reminders for yourself throughout the day to keep working out. If you are using an app for working out, these often will send you notifications to remind you when you need to exercise. Another way to remind yourself is to get a pedometer that beeps if you sit still for too long so you know when it’s time to stretch or take a quick walk.

Do Something You Love

Once you find a sport or physical activity that you love, exercise won’t feel like such a burden anymore. In fact, you’ll soon find looking forward to whatever that activity is every day, whether it’s rock climbing, ice skating, or a group class. You can also find good community in these places, and spending time with other motivated people alone will improve your own motivation.