Food Guide

Food Guide

The foods that you put into your body are as important if not more important than the amount that you are eating. But, if you try to find what the best ratio is, you’ll find a lot of conflicting information because what’s right for one person is very wrong for another person. This is because there are different body types that have different nutritional requirements.

Here is a brief explanation of each body type and what works best for them:


Most people that are overweight are endomorphs because this type packs on fat faster than the others. If you have a thick and broad body with a slow metabolism, then this is probably you. Your best ratio of the macronutrients at every meal is 40% fats, 35% proteins, and 25% carbohydrates.


The ectomorph falls on the other end of the scale and are usually much thinner and can have a hard time gaining muscle or fat. However, it is still possible to be overweight as an ectomorph. This body type needs 20% fats, 25% proteins, and 55% carbohydrates throughout the day.


This body type is better at building muscle, and usually fall between the other two types in terms of size. If they’re not eating right, however, it’s easy for mesomorphs to have too much fat. Their ideal balance of macronutrients is 30% fats, 30% proteins, and 40% carbohydrates.

Here are some more details about macronutrients:


Keep in mind when choosing fats that there are healthy fats and there are unhealthy fats. Most fats that come from plants such as coconut oil, olive oil, and avocados, are healthy fats. These are not only necessary in your body for storing various nutrients, but will also help improve brain function and more. Be sure to focus on healthy fats when adding them to your meals.


This can come in the form of animal protein you get from meats and animal by-products, or plant protein which is primarily found in nuts and seeds. Either way, it’s important that you’re getting enough protein because protein is used for building up your muscles and countless other processes in your body. Besides that, it takes the longest to digest which helps you feel full for longer.


Contrary to popular belief, carbohydrates in general are not bad. In fact, these are what your body burns for energy throughout the day, so not getting enough could leave you feeling sluggish. What’s more important is what type of carbohydrate you’re getting. Simple carbohydrates like sugars will cause your blood sugar to spike, then crash, which leads to weight gain. Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, are a great source of continued energy that won’t cause those dangerous spikes.


These are the vitamins and minerals that are essential for your health. Most of them are found in fruits and vegetables, so be sure that you are getting plenty of these in your diet for better weight management. The fresher and less-cooked your fruits and vegetables are, the more nutrient-rich they are, so avoid cooking them at high temperatures for long periods of time whenever possible.