Dietary Control and Exercise

Dietary Control and Exercise

There are two main factors that determine weight loss: dietary control and exercise. Although dietary control is far more important, the two work together to help you lose weight and maintain weight loss. When you can incorporate both of these into your daily routine, you will find that managing your weight is significantly easier.

Here are some easy ways to have better dietary control:

1. Get smaller plates.

Studies have shown that most people eat portion sizes that are way too big, which can lead to weight gain. By getting smaller plates, you will naturally eat less at every meal because it takes less food to fill your plate.

2. Leave the food on the stove.

When you have food right in front of you, it’s easy to keep eating even after you’ve had enough, so when you sit down to eat dinner, simply fill your plate from the pots, and leave them on the stove. You can get up to get more if you are still hungry, but this reduces the chances of eating simply because the food is there.

3. Fill a bowl when snacking.

This follows the same logic of the previous point. If you want a snack, rather than grabbing the whole bag of chips, take out a handful and put it in a bowl. This way, you’ll keep yourself from eating the entire bag simply because it’s there.

4. Break up your meals.

By breaking up your meals into smaller meals and snacks throughout the day, you’ll be able to keep your hunger at bay which keeps you from over-eating during main meals. You’ll also maintain a higher metabolism which helps you burn more calories.

Here are some easy ways to get more exercise every day:

1. Get a pedometer.

Believe it or not, simply having a device that tells you how many steps you’ve taken in a day will help you exercise more. You can set daily goals and then, make sure you reach them, whether you get there by taking walks around the office every hour, or taking the dog out when you get home.

2. Take the stairs.

If you live or work in a building in which you usually take an elevator, start taking the stairs instead. This simple change in your routine will help you get some extra exercise every day that will help with weight management.

3. Put a machine in your living room.

As long as you have the space, you should set up an exercise machine in your living room, in line of sight of the TV. You can get an elliptical machine, a treadmill, or a stationary bike. Whatever you choose, commit to using it every night while watching TV, whether you sprint during commercials or simply keep moving throughout your favorite shows.

4. Set exercise alarms.

This is especially important if you have a job where you have to remain seated most of the day. Set alarms for every half an hour to an hour to simply get up and stretch, or take a quick walk around the office to keep your blood moving.