Reward Yourself for Making Weight

Reward Yourself for Making Weight Rewarding yourself is one of the best ways that you can keep yourself motivated to keep losing weight, but you need to make sure you’re doing it right or else you could be doing more harm than good. In this article, we’re going to go over the right way to … Read more

Adjusting Diet and Exercise

Adjusting Diet and Exercise If you’ve ever watched a weight-loss show, you’ve seen how quickly people can lose weight at the beginning, dropping 10 – 20 or even more pounds a week. However, by the end of the show, they’re celebrating over losses of only 2 – 3 pounds per week. Although everybody’s weight loss … Read more

Maintenance Staying on Course

Maintenance, Staying on Course Once you’ve lost the weight that you want, it’s important to keep working to maintain that weight loss. Fortunately, there are a number of things that you can do to make sure that you are managing your weight for the long term. One of the things to keep in mind is … Read more

Getting a Good 8 Hours of Sleep Per Night

Getting a Good 8 Hours of Sleep Per Night Because of the profoundly negative impact a lack of sleep has on the body, it’s important that you make sure that you’re getting a full 8 hours of sleep every night. Keep in mind that the quality of your sleep is just as important as the … Read more

Get Motivated to Workout

Get Motivated to Workout Getting motivated to workout will not only ensure that you do it more often, but it will also make working out a much more enjoyable activity when it’s something that you actually want to do. In this article, we’re going to go ever a few ways that you can get yourself … Read more

Adding Workouts into Your Daily Life

Adding Workouts into Your Daily Life If you’re not getting some type of exercise every day, you’re going to find it hard to manage your weight. However, by taking some simple steps, you can add workouts into your daily life and much more easily lose weight or maintain your weight loss. Working out regularly will … Read more

Calorie Intake

Calorie Intake Although the nutrients in the foods you eat are certainly important, it’s also important to keep in mind your overall caloric intake as too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, especially where weight management is concerned. In this article, we’re going to explain why keeping an eye on calories … Read more

Food Guide

Food Guide The foods that you put into your body are as important if not more important than the amount that you are eating. But, if you try to find what the best ratio is, you’ll find a lot of conflicting information because what’s right for one person is very wrong for another person. This … Read more


Sleep You may not realize just how important sleep is to weight management, but the truth is, if you’re not getting the right amount of sleep, it can have a big impact on your weight. Although the occasional sleepless night isn’t going to have a profound impact on your weight, if you consistently aren’t getting … Read more


Supplements There is no supplement that will magically work to help you lose weight without you having to make any other lifestyle changes. However, there are a number that will help you manage your weight by working with your body. In this article, we’re going to focus on how you can use supplements to both … Read more

Dietary Control and Exercise

Dietary Control and Exercise There are two main factors that determine weight loss: dietary control and exercise. Although dietary control is far more important, the two work together to help you lose weight and maintain weight loss. When you can incorporate both of these into your daily routine, you will find that managing your weight … Read more

Changing Your Lifestyle

Changing Your Lifestyle Anybody can lose weight by dramatically changing their diet for a few weeks, but if you’re planning on keeping that weight off, you need to change the way you think about weight loss. Rather than simply dieting, you need to have a completely new lifestyle that is healthier. In this article, we’re … Read more

Why Are You on the Program

Why Are You on the Program? Before you start anything, you should ask yourself why you are doing it. The fact is, if you don’t have strong motivation, it will be extremely difficult for you to reach your goals. Whether you have one motivator or several, keeping your motivation behind wanting to be in the … Read more

Setting Realistic Goals

Accountability One of the best ways to make sure you’re meeting your weight loss goals is to have accountability. Having accountability means your weight loss goals are known to people other than you, and they are there to ask you about your progress and to encourage you to stay on track. Keep reading to find … Read more


Accountability One of the best ways to make sure you’re meeting your weight loss goals is to have accountability. Having accountability means your weight loss goals are known to people other than you, and they are there to ask you about your progress and to encourage you to stay on track. Keep reading to find … Read more

Setting Realistic Goals

Setting Realistic Goals Setting goals is one of the things that will help to make or break your weight loss, which is why it’s vital you don’t overlook this part of the weight loss process. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at exactly how realistic goals will help you lose the … Read more