Total Body Workout

“Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated” – Anonymous Warm-up:5 minutes Complete the circuit 3 times. 30 Push-ups 30 Hell raises 30 Mountain climbers 30 Jump squats 30 Lunges, alternating legs 30 Crunches 30 Chair dips 30 Kickbacks, each leg Warm down:5 minutes

Power Surge

Power Surge by Damian Beckford. “Stretch your limits.’s mental” –  Damian Beckford Warm-up:5 minutes 40 high knees (count on one side) 20 squats 15 sit-ups 12 push-up 30 seconds side plank each side Sessions repeat 3-4 times Warm down:5 minutes

Burn Baby Burn

Burn Baby Burn by Jennifer Derrick “Don’t wish for it, work for it” – Jillian Michaels Warm-up: 30 seconds, repeat 3 times Squats High Knees Main workout: repeat 5 times 50 Jumping Jacks 40 Crunches 30 Squats 20 Push-ups 10 Burpees Cool Down:1 or 2 minutes Plank

3 Sets

3 Sets by Peter “It’s not about being the best, it’s about doing your best” – Belmars Rules:No resting between sets. Warm-up:5 minutes Set 1: Jump rope 3 minutes Single arm Kettlebell swing (1 minute each arm) Set 2: Jump rope 3 minutes kettlebell clean (1 minute each arm) Set 3: Jump rope 3 minutes Kettlebell … Read more


Sunshine by Toni “Challenges are what defines us” – Anonymous Warm up:5 minutes Do each exercise for 1 minute. Jumping jacks Push ups Jogging in place high knees Push ups Jump lunges Push ups Mountain climbers Push ups Star jumps Push ups Burpees Push ups Tuck jumps Cool down:5 minutes

Oktoberfest Special

Oktoberfest Special by Christine Gonzalez “Full body engagement week!” Warm up:5 minutes Repeat each exercise 5 times 1 minute – Plank leg lift 1 minute – Squat jump 1 minute – Mountain climbers 1 minute – Scissor crunches 1 minute – Triceps dips using a chair Cool down:5 minutes

Burn Mode

Burn Mode by Damian Warm-up:5 minutes 30 seconds jumping jacks 30 seconds high knees 12 push-up 30 seconds plank 12 squat thrust 12 sit-ups 20 bicycle crunches 12 squats All exercises to be repeated 3 times Cool-down:5 minutes

Spartan Scales

Spartan Scales by Sahar Warm up:5 minutes 2 Burpees 2 Jumping Jacks 2 Squats 2 Push ups Add 2 repetitions each time until you reach 20 repetitions for each exercise then go back down to 2 repetitions. Cool down:5 minutes

Jog a Mile

Jog a Mile by Peter “Challenge Yourself, Dig Deeper, Finish Strong” – Belmars Warm-up:5 minutes To be performed on road or treadmill.Distance 4 miles. Jog a mile Perform 100 air squats Jog a mile Perform 100 jumping Jacks Jog a mile Perform 100 lunges Jog a mile Perform 100 squat jumps Cool down:5 minutes


Partners by Peter “When the challenges ahead are many, the stronger you will become” – Belmars This is a great workout to do with another person. 3 sets of 15 reps each exercise. Partners push-ups Partners sit-ups Burpee jumps with high fives Goals: work as a team and be their for your workout partner.


Rosey by Peter “Start Strong… Rest in the middle… Finish Strong…” – Belmars Warm up:5 minutes 3 sets of 10 reps with weights. Squats Bench press Shoulder press Or 1 set of a 100 reps of each exercise without weights. Air squats Push up Jumping jacks Run for 3 miles 100 sit-ups using any format Cool down:5 … Read more

Burpees Tabata

Burpees Tabata by Peter Warm-up:5 – 10 minutes Complete as many burpee jumps as possible in 20 seconds for 8 sets. Rules: Complete 8 sets Each set last 20 seconds Rest 10 seconds between sets Do as many burpee jumps as you can in each set Warm-down:5 – 10 minutes

Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine by Julia 3 min warmup 2 sets for 30 seconds each: Straight punches Front kicks Hooks Rear kicks Upper cuts Squat/side kick (alternating legs) 25 of each straight, no breaks: Regular push-ups (hands shoulder width apart Crunches Triangle push-up Squats (hands in triangle position) Wide push-ups (hands past your shoulders) Plank knee-to-elbow … Read more

Bums and Tums

Bums and Tums by Rhiannon Warm up:6 minutes Jump rope: 30 seconds regular, 30 seconds knees up. Bums: Each exercise 1 minute, 5 sets. Jumping jacks (medius) Squats (minimus) Lunges (maximus) Tums: 3 minute plank (Transverse abdominis) 3 minute side plank, that’s 3 minutes each side!!! No cheating (rectus abdominis, obliques and quadratus lumborum) 3 … Read more

Two Minute Killa

Two Minute Killa by Christine Warm-up:5 – 10 minutes Total workout time: 20 minutes. Every 2 minutes, you need to complete the following: 20 Tuck Jumps 25 Air Squats 15 Push-ups 30 Scissor Crunches Any extra time can be used for rest until the next set. Warm-down:5 – 10 minutes


Killer Cardio by Marissa Total time: 6 minutes (no breaks) 1 minute jump rope (as fast as you can)* put rope aside 1 minute jump squats 1 minute jump rope (as fast as you can)* put rope aside 1 minute high knees 1 minute jump rope (as fast as you can)* put rope aside 1 … Read more


Morning by Peter Warm-up:5 – 10 minutes 100 push-ups 10 sets of 10 reps Rest 5 seconds between each set 100 sit-ups using any sit-up format to your liking 100 air squats 1-3 miles run on road or treadmill Warm-down:5 – 10 minutes

Snow Storm

Snow Storm by Rhiannon 30 seconds each exercise3 sets Jumping Jacks Push-ups Burpees Scissors crunch Star jumps Squat thrusts Bicycles Plank


Skip by Peter Warm-up:5 – 10 minutes Skipping (jump rope)12 – 25 minutes 100 roundhouse kicks (right leg) on heavy bag or air kicks 100 roundhouse kicks (left leg) on heavy bag or air kicks 100 push kick on heavy bag or air kicks alternating legs. Warm-down:5 – 10 minutes


Rejuvenate After many people have lost weight, they’re still not happy with the way they look in the mirror. They may be feeling better overall, but sometimes, the effects of their former unhealthy lifestyle are still showing on their body. Sometimes this is in the shape of dull skin, and other times, loose skin from … Read more

Fighting Stress

Fighting Stress Stress plays a bigger role in our weight than most people realize. However, numerous studies have shown a definite connection between chronic stress and weight gain. For that reason, if you want to control your weight, you also need to control your stress levels. Fortunately, there are plenty of things that you can … Read more

Dietary Intake and Exercise the Secret to Success

Dietary Intake and Exercise the Secret to Success Many diet pill companies will tell you that the secret to successful weight loss lies in their pills, but the truth couldn’t be further from that. Although there can be some value in taking supplements to aid in weight loss, at the end of the day, the … Read more


Declutter Although this may seem like a strange topic to focus on when talking about weight loss, there is a surprising connection that has been found between people that have a lot of extra stuff in their homes and people that are overweight. One study actually found that 77% of people that have cluttered homes … Read more

Having a Good Support System

Having a Good Support System As important as self-motivation is, having a good support system will help you stay motivated and reach your weight loss goals much more quickly. Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can find a good support system that will help push you to do what it takes to lose … Read more