The Joy Of Fitness

“A person determined can accomplish many things” – Body By Belmars Items needed: Pen or pencil Notebook or a piece of paper Task:Write down a fitness goal you hope to accomplish this year. Rules: State the conditions for your goal and how you’re going to accomplish this goal Reward yourself for achieving your goal Forfeit … Read more

Booty By Belmars

Booty by Belmars by Toni Warm-up5 – 10 minutes 1 minute of each exercise for 3 rounds: Warm-down5 – 10 minutes

Endurance Fix

Endurance Fix by Toni Mafes Warm-up5 minutes “The only bad workout is the one you didn’t do” – Anonymous Rules: Set the clock for 20 minutes. Complete as many sets as you can in 20 minutes. Workout: Beginner: Half push ups x 5 Squats x 10 Lunges x 15 Intermediate: Push ups x 5 Squats … Read more

I Do Boxing

I Do Boxing by Peter Belmar “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion” – Muhammad Ali Warm-up:5 minutes Skipping (Jump Rope): Rest 1 minute between rounds Shadow boxing: Rest 1 minute between rounds Bag work: Rest 1 minute between rounds … Read more

I Do Muay Thai

“Become like water my friend” – Bruce Lee Warm-up5 minutes Skipping (jump rope): 30 seconds at a nice steady pace 30 seconds with high knees (bring your legs up to your chest as high as possible) Do this for 12 sets with no rest between sets. Bag work:Note: if you don’t have access to a … Read more

Shoveling Workout 

“Lazy and unfit is attractive….no one ever!” – Rhiannon Evans Warm-up:5 minutes Instead of bending at the waist, squat every time you go to scoop snow. Lunge instead of walking. Break every 20 minutes and do 20 shoulder presses with the shovel. Every hour break to have a snowball fight, not only is it fun … Read more

Home Work Out 

Home Work Out by Toni Check in: 100 jumping Jack’s 1 min jab 1 min jab and move 1 min jab cross 1 min jab cross and move 1 min hooks 1 min jab cross hook and move 1 min uppercuts 1 min jab cross 2 uppercuts and move 3 min 1-2’s non stop Check out … Read more


Countdown by Julia Limitone “Finish Him:” – Mortal Combat Warmup:3 minutes 10 to 1 for each exercise.(10 Push ups, 10 Lunges, 9 Push ups, 9 Lunges etc) Push ups Lunges (alternating legs) Jumping jacks Fire hydrants Regular crunches Toe touches Cool down:3 minutes

Quick Burst

Quick Burst by Toni Mafes “The best project you’ll ever work on is you” – Anonymous Warmup:5 minutes Jump rope fast for 1 minute Complete as many push-ups as you can in 30 seconds Jump rope with high knees for 1 minute Complete as many burpees as you can in 30 seconds Jump rope single … Read more


10 by Peter Belmar “Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it” – Bruce Lee Warm up:5 minutes Rules: 10 exercises 1 set 10 reps each exercise See how fast you can complete the set Exercises: 1) Squat jumps 2) Pushups 3) Squat thrust 4) Sit-ups 5) Bicycles … Read more

Fire Push

Fire Push by Damian Beckford “The secret of getting ahead is getting started” – Agatha Christie Warm up:5 minutes 30 seconds high knees × 4 15 squats with hands straight in the air × 4 12 push-ups × 4 15 Crunches × 4 30 jumping jacks × 4 Finish up with 1 minute plank Cool … Read more


Burnout by Damian Beckford “Life has one aim and one focus; growth. Never settle for stagnation and/or mediocrity” – DJB Warmup:5 minutes 60 Jumping jacks ×4 12 Push-ups ×4 30 Crunches ×4 30 Sec. High knees ×4 20 Wide squats ×4 40 Sec. Plank ×4 30 Sec. Chair pose ×4 All exercises must be done … Read more

Good Luck

Good Luck by Peter Belmar “I dislike death, however, there are some things I dislike more than death. Therefore, there are times when I will not avoid danger” – Mencius Warm up:5 minutes Rules: 12 sets Do each exercise for 20 seconds as fast as you can Rest 10 seconds between each set Exercise: Skipping … Read more


Nonfat by Peter Belmar “When the student is ready, the Master appears” – Buddhist Proverb Warm up:5 minutes Circuit:3 x 3 rounds with 30 seconds rest between each round.3 sets of the following exercises30 reps each with no rest between exercises or sets. Air squats Sit ups Pushups Cool down5 minutes

Summer Booty Blast

Summer Booty Blast by Jennifer Lee “You don’t get the booty you want by sitting on the one you have” 1. Lateral lunge with weighted arm raise (30 sec each side) 2. Weighted bridge 3. Squat with overhead press 4. Donkey kicks (30 sec each side) 5. Front lunge with bicep curl 6. Superman 7. … Read more

1000×2 = Your Workout

1000×2 = Your Workout by Sahar Miandoabi and Julia Limitone “Go Big or Go Home…” – Anonymous 6 min warmup 100 Jump squats 100 Push-ups 100 Leg lifts 100 Pushup plank 100 Crunches Complete  4 sets 6 min cool down


Ed by Peter Belmar “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop” – Confucius Warm up5 minutes Perform 3 sets of 10 reps each exercise.Rest 10 seconds between each exercise. Exercise:– Pull ups– Bar dips– Triceps dips– Box jumps Cool down5 minutes

Getting To The Core Of Your Problems

Getting To The Core Of Your Problems by Julia Limitone “Your only as strong as your weakest player” – Anonymous Warmup:Mimic skipping rope for 3 minutes Stretch:3 minutes Circuit:4 sets of 25 reps continuously as fast as you can: Jumping jacks Regular Push ups Crunches (any way you like it) Plank jacks High knees Triangle push … Read more


Blast by Peter Belmar Warm up:5 minutes “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again” – Anonymous Punching: Using straight punches (left hand followed by right hand) hit the heavy bag as hard and as fast as you can continuously for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds between sets. Complete 8 sets. Tip:If … Read more


 fABdomenals (AB workout) by Marissa WOW: fABdomenals (AB workout) by Marissa Ramirez “Suck it up now and you won’t have to suck it in later” – Marissa Ramirez Warm-up/Stretch 100 of each exercise: Crunches Flutter Kicks V-ups 1 minute Side Plank (right side) 50 of each exercise: Bicycles Russian Twist Heel Touches 1 minute Elbow Plank 25 of … Read more


Mini-Workouts There’s no better way to get more exercise into your day and to burn more calories throughout the day than to incorporate mini-workouts into your schedule. Mini-workouts are exercises that you can do in less than 10 minutes. Even though you’ll only be doing a few minutes of exercise at a time, these minutes … Read more